Here are the top ten frequently asked questions about singing.

Top Ten Frequently Asked Questions About Singing
1. How Do I Sing on Tune?
The first thing you need to do is to be able develop your ear because if you don’t know if you are on tune you are going to have a hard time fixing your pitch. To work on this you can record yourself singing and listen back to yourself to develop your ear. The next step is to work on breath control. If you are sharp you need to sing lower and balance your weight on the heels of your feet and if you are flat focus on getting a deep breath and balancing your weight on the balls of your feet. This will help to open up your diaphragm muscles to help you breath deeper to get back on pitch. Learning to sing on tune takes lots of time and practice but if you work hard singing on tune is achievable.
2. How Do I Sing Without a Vocal Break?
Some vocal coaches will tell you that you just need to push harder but that creates tension in your vocal cords. The way to fix the break and have good results is to have a proper mix so on the higher notes use head voice, in the middle use mixed voice, and on the lower notes use chest voice.
3. How Do I Sing With Consistent Sound?
If you struggle with connecting your head and chest voice you need to focus on developing your mixed voice.
4. How Do I Sing High Without Tension?
The best way to relieve tension as you sing high is to relax as you sing. A great exercise for working on this is a lip buzz exercise.
5. How Do I Extend My Range?
Singing higher comes down to two main issues. The first is learning to relax into your high notes and the next you need to focus on using less air to sing. If you have too much air you will have a tendency to push and strain your voice.
6. How Do I Develop Vibrato?
Vibrato is oscillating between two pitches. Practice on a single pitch moving between the two pitches and speeding up.
7. How Do I Develop Style?
The best way to learn style is through imitating and exploring a lot of artists in many different styles. As you learn more styles you can combine different techniques to put together your personal vocal style.
8. How Do I Fix a Breathy or Pinched Tone?
In singing you need a good balance between having the right enough of breath and compression. If you sing with too much compression in your voice it will sound pinched. On the flip side if you have too much breath you will have a hard time having power in your voice. To fix this focus on a balance that hits somewhere between these two tone colors.
9. How Do I Fix a Nasal or Dull Sound?
Like the breathy/pinched tone mentioned in the previous questions you want to focus on a good balance. If you have a nasal tone your voice is resonating too much in your nasal cavity and if you have a dull tone you have too much in resonance in the mouth. To fix this you want a good balance of resonance by making sure you have a neutral soft palette.
10. How Do I Increase Power?
One of the main confusion that people will have about power or projection is that they think they need to push harder. The healthiest way to increase your vocal power is to develop your resonance.
I hope you enjoyed having some of the top ten frequently asked questions about singing being answered. I look forward to giving you some more vocal and piano lessons for your musical adventures.
Linnea Loves Music
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