Have you ever wanted lightning fast fingers? Well in today’s lesson you will get a chance to learn how to speed up your piano runs.
Have you ever wanted lightning fast fingers? Well in today’s lesson you will get a chance to learn how to speed up your piano runs.
Today you are going to learn how to read music ledger lines for piano.
Make sure you take a look at my blog post on How to Read Music Notes. Here I will teach you all your notes on your treble and bass clef. As well you can look at our blog post for Piano Note Names which covers all your note names. Those are both some great prequel posts to take a look at to prep you for today’s lesson.
Today we are going to are going to be speaking about how to read music: rhythm. So if you missed our first couple lessons in this series I suggest you take a look at them now.
How to Read Music: Sharps, Flats, and Naturals
This is how you can learn to play major and minor scales on the piano. If you haven’t seen our the following two lessons I suggest you look at them first.
Piano Note Names and Finger Numbers
Scales are important for two main reasons.
…What are semitones and whole tones and enharmonic equivalents? Well today we are going to answer that musical question.
Before you take a look at this lesson there are a few lessons that may be beneficial for you to take a look at first.
Semitones and Whole Tones measure the distance between two notes. A semitone is the smallest distance between two notes. You can see below for an example.
…Now that we have covered the names of the white keys it is now time to discuss sharps, flats, and naturals. If you missed last weeks lessons you can go here.
A sharp takes a white note and raises it by one note. So you will go one note higher to the right. Down below you can see where the C note is and where the C sharp note is.
Have you ever wanted to learn to read music? Now’s your chance!
If you haven’t learned your note names on the piano then make sure to first check out our last weeks lesson.
Treble Clef and Bass Clef
The Treble and Bass Clef divide the high notes in the treble from our low notes in our bass clef. Down Below you’ll notice for each staff there are five lines and four spaces where notes can go.
…Today we are taking look at the very foundation of music which is the piano note names and finger numbers.
Piano Note Names
When you take a look at the piano you will notice that there are groups of two black keys and groups of three black keys on the piano. These group of black keys alternate and repeat on the piano. So the black keys are a good marker for learning your note names on the piano.