Have you ever wondered if you are too old to be pursing a career in the music industry? Well today we are going to be taking a look at this questions.
I want to first recognize that this is a very sensitive subject. This is because we are talking about a dream that is in your heart. With that in mind it is still important to still look at your dreams through an informed point of view. I’ve included some important questions to take a look at below.
Why Are You Wanting to be in the Music Industry?
If your reason for being in the industry is you want to be famous then maybe this isn’t the career for you. Many times people go into music having that glamorized image of what it means to be a star. They are in it just because they want adoring fans to scream at them. However, if you are truly making music for the love of music. Then you should pursue music and nothing should stop you from that.
Are My Expectations Realistic?
It is important to also ask yourself if your expectations are realistic. I’m not saying that you can’t have a touring life with a family. After all, I grew up in family of touring musicians. But you need to ask what are the boundaries you are going to put up for yourself and your family. For instance, if you have a family or are married what is the work-life balance you are hoping to have. If you are touring how many days are you willing to tour in a year? What things are you going to put in place to maintain that proper balance?
Also, based on how much you will be touring you need to think about realistically how much money should you be putting forward for your budget of your album. If you think you’re only going to sell 300 albums then having a $20,000 budget for an album may not be the best use of your resources. Make sure you plan appropriately so that your venture into the music business in profitable.
Is There a Way to Have a Side-Gig While Building Your Music Business?
When you are a eighteen year old living out of van feels very romantic. However, as we get older there is something about having a degree of stability. With having a side-gig you will have something that will create stability while your music business grows to a point where it can be your full-time income. Even though many people think of being a waiter or waitress as a side gig there are many other options. For instance, being a songwriter, music teacher, or working in the music business as a booking agent for example. It is also important to ask yourself if you want this to be your full-time job or side-gig. Are you looking for this to be a hobby or maybe a side-hustle that brings in an additional $1000/month income.
Is The Style of Music You Are Making Age Appropriate?
For example doing country music as a fifty year old might be more age appropriate then doing bubblegum pop music. Being aware of what music style suits both your age bracket and your individual talents is important if you are looking to have a career. You might also be the individual that write or produces the young pop music but maybe not the one who sings them. It is important to evaluate what is the best place for you to fit into the music industry.
Are You Talented Enough…Today?
The reason why I ask this question is because I’m definitely not trying to pull a “Simeon Cowell”. I don’t want to be a dream killer. If this is something you love you SHOULD pursue it. However, if let’s say your singing isn’t as strong as it could be you should either take some vocal lessons or maybe look at pursuing being a songwriter and having someone else singing your songs. If you are an awesome singer but can’t write songs then there is no shame in having other people write your songs and/or working with songwriters to help you develop your skills. The more honest you can be with yourself the great chance you will have of making an income.
Is There a Benefit to Doing Music at an Older Age?
Yes, the biggest benefit to doing music at an older age is experience. Doing music at an older age means you have experience in life that can be brought into your songwriting and business. Also, you can have skills that are far more developed because of the time that has passed.
Also, there is a benefit to being older because you are less likely to take a deal where someone takes advantage of you. There is a lot of value in that.
What If I Have Been in the Music Industry for Awhile and I’m Wondering If It’s Time to Give Up?
This is a very scary question to be asking yourself. I think if you are in the music industry and you are wondering if you need to give up there are a few questions you should ask yourself.
- Is music still where you get your joy?
- Are you in the right field in the music industry? There are many different jobs in the music industry. Sometimes we look at things very narrowly and when we fail in one area we want to give up on it all. Would a better fit be songwriting, producing, booking agent, or a music teacher? There are countless jobs in the music industry instead of giving up entirely there could be a better fit for you in another area.
- Are you being realistic with the amount of money you are receiving? Are you coming to a point when you are not making enough to pay your bills? You may need to pivot to doing some touring but also songwriting for advertising to help pay the bills.
- What is your motivation for being in music?
- Are you expectations realistic? Is your only idea of “making it” too narrow? Is your only idea of success is only being a superstar and winning a Grammy. I’m not saying that its impossible but in the process of you having a narrow view you might miss the very thing that might make you successful that is right in front of you. For instance, if you think you can only be successful as a singer but being a singer is not working out you might not be working in your strongest gifting. You could be an amazing songwriter and your narrow view might make you miss the opportunity of winning at being a songwriter.
What is Your Overall Game Plan?
You need to think long-term as a musician. Where are you heading in your music career? Do you imagine yourself touring until your 75 years old? If you don’t then where are planning to take your music when you retire from touring? Are you wanting to go into music producing, teaching, songwriting or some other avenue? What are the steps you need to take to get you where you want to be?
So are you too old be pursuing a career in the music industry?
No, of course not!!!
I hope you enjoyed today’s lessons. Please stay tuned for more music lessons for your musical adventure.
Linnea Loves Music
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